What is Mental Health?
Mental Health is a mixture of emotional, physiological and well being. It helps you distinguish between right and wrong. It affects how a person acts when stressed or when emotional.
A person needs to maintain their mental health or it causes depression. Research indicates that almost one in every four people face mental health issues each year. One form is depression. This causes an individual to lose concentration, over think, judge themselves and be sad all the time.
Everyone faces depression and mental health issues at some point in life. It can either be personal or professional as well. Not much can be said than done. People don’t accept their own depression nor do family or friends. In India alone, many people cannot handle their situation and resort to decide, which is wrong. Loneliness is a state where no one should be alone.
Loneliness is a state where no one should be alone. Even in the workplace, a negative and gloomy environment can decrease productivity.
Some early warning signs:
- Less interaction
- Change in eating habits
- Feeling helpless or numb
- Smoking or drinking
- Fighting with family or/and friends
- Having suicidal thoughts
- Severe mood swings
Some steps that everyone can take to curb mental health or raise awareness:
- Get people talking
- Read positive books
- Do Yoga
- Develop coping skills
- Take help from counselors if required
So, in a nutshell, people need to understand their depression symptoms and work towards a better life.
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